Stand Together

Stand Together

Stand Together

White Rock, BC, 2019

Stande Together is a testament to the selflessness of the White Rock Women’s Auxiliary and their continued contributions to this community. Starting with its founding members in 1947 their pragmatic post war visionary force coalesced with their civic virtue to raise foundation money in order to establish a community hospital. The Peace Arch Hospital was realized in 1954.

This hospital is an example of the accepted process for developing needed community infrastructure not so long ago. Contemporary Canadian society is fortunate to have had provincial and federal government support for quality medical facilities and treatment which are now an integral component of our social fabric.

Metaphorically “Stande” draws on the form of the pre-contact rain forest that once stood on the hospital site. This imagery highlights the strength, shelter, support and nurturing that these dedicated women believed was necessary for the future growth and success of their community of White Rock.